Saturday, April 5, 2008

Obama’s Friends - The Weather Underground, Rezko, Wright, & Farrakhan

Obama’s Friends - The Weather Underground, Rezko, Wright, & Farrakhan: "

Obama’s Friends - The Weather Underground, Rezko, Wright, & Farrakhan: ’

Perfectly said by Rick Moran:

Barack Obama is just another politician – devious when he has to be, vague when it suits him, and a liar when necessity calls. May this incident involving Reverend Wright open the eyes of most of those who have lost themselves in Obama’s rhetorical fog so that they can see who and what they are supporting for President of the United States.

Meanwhile the MSM has tripped all over themselves to ‘forgive’ Obama’s foo-pah of befriending a racist. Just a little misunderstanding right? He was soooo courageous to tell the country that we need to end the division in America. That Wrights hate is the past and he is the future. But did he ever do that at his very own church? Did he bring change there? Isn’t the first place to prove you can lead is among those close to you? But he didn’t do that, no, he sat listening to the hate. He brought his children to listen to the hate….and he never changed a thing in that church. (more…)

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(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)

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