Saturday, April 5, 2008

Stand Against Anti-War Rallies’ Pro-Jihad, Anti-Jewish Effect

Stand Against Anti-War Rallies’ Pro-Jihad, Anti-Jewish Effect: "

Stand Against Anti-War Rallies’ Pro-Jihad, Anti-Jewish Effect: ‘America’s left commemorates the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq War by organizing Anti-War protests today, March 19th. See for a rally close to you.

Will their agenda also denigrate Israel for self-defense against Palestinian terrorism? Minority-rights and pro-Zionism activists should attend these gatherings to defend against anti-Israelism/anti-Semitism. Please bring camcorders and digital cameras to report your experiences here. Find a local MoveOn.Org candlelight vigil near you (and represent):

The war in Iraq has gone on for nearly five years. The unbearable costs at home and abroad keep mounting. It’s clear that Americans are ready for a real change in direction. On March 19th, tens of thousands of people across the country will gather to observe the fifth anniversary of the war with candlelight vigils. (Photo courtesy: Atlas Shrugs)

We’ll commemorate the sacrifices too many families have made, and the billions of dollars wasted in Iraq that could have been better invested at home. Join us at a candlelight vigil on Wednesday, March 19th. Honor the sacrifice. Change our priorities. Bring the troops home. Click here to organize your own vigil, or sign up for one near you.

(Via avideditorla’s shared items in Google Reader.)


(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)

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