Saturday, April 5, 2008



I think it is sick what Bush is doing to Israel. I really hope McCain is better.


You never expected to see those words here, did you? Well I didn’t either. I voted for George Bush and I thought he was the ‘best friend Israel ever had in the White House.’ I still think he is basically a decent man and I appreciate his efforts in the WVT - war on various terrorists (not including the Palestinian ones).

But today the Bush administration went too far in the wrong direction and I must oppose it somehow, with all my being.

In his speech today, President Bush said, ‘Because we acted, Saddam’s regime is no longer paying the families of suicide bombers in the Holy Land.’

Thank Gd and President Bush, he’s right: Saddam is no longer paying the families of Palestinian Jew-murderers for killing Jews.

But the United States IS.

Thirteen days ago, Palestinians viciously slaughtered eight of our innocent sons inside the Merkaz HaRav yeshiva in the heart of what Bush calls ‘The Holy Land.’ And today President Bush is writing the Palestinians a check for $150 million dollars.

Is this not terribly clear?

Add in the fact that, when asked if they supported the murders of the yeshiva boys in particular, 84 %of Palestinians said yes. It’s in the New York Times today.

So let’s get this completely straight. When Palestinians killed Jews, Saddam would pay their families as much as $25,000. We considered this to be evil and America opposed it… militarily.

And Now?

Less than two weeks ago, the Palestinians killed eight Jews - with the support of 84% of their populace - and today George Bush and Condi Rice and our Congress are giving them a gift?

150 million of our tax dollars?

What is that, almost $20 million per dead Jewish boy?

Or is it $250,000 per round of ammunition used?

Western-backed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said it was ‘the largest sum of assistance of any kind to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority by any donor in one trench since the Palestinian Authority’s inception.’

Fayyad, who signed the agreement with U.S. Consul General Jake Walles, told reporters the U.S. contribution ‘was coming to us at a time of great need and it will help our efforts…’

Walles said the United States had pledged $550 million at a donors’ conference in Paris in December last year that would be allocated for budgetary support, development projects and humanitarian assistance. ‘We’re going to continue to implement the other aspects of our pledge,’ Walles said.

They’re going to ‘continue to implement’ this travesty?

With 550 MILLION of our tax dollars? Oh no they’re not.

Jake Walles and Condi Rice and Salam Fayyad and Abu Mazen can call it whatever they like; Saddam probably thought he was in the business of ‘humanitarian assistance’ too. But if it goes to the Palestinians while they’re killing Jews in Israel, to me it’s blood money, pure and simple.

There is no question: I’d sooner let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid divvy up the money for earmarks in America any day, than bear responsibility for further enabling the Palestinians to kill and maim our families and our children. With impunity. With American money, our money. I cannot imagine anything more horrific.

If anyone can tell me how the U.S. is different from Saddam Hussein in this instance, speak now, because I’m ready to join with the opposition, the liberals who want to impeach Bush for their own reasons, in a desperate bid to bring attention to my own outrage, alarm and despair.

I have cried, I have blogged, I have emailed and I have faxxed… and nothing changes. Completely contrary to the majority’s pro-Israel sentiment in this country, our federal government is barreling ahead, pouring money into Jew killers and trying to award them with a sovereign state. For WHAT?

The buck stops here, boys and girls. What’re you going to do about it? What CAN we do about it?


(Via Boker tov, Boulder!.)


(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)

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