CAIR Urges More Aid to Palestinian Terrorists: "
CAIR Urges More Aid to Palestinian Terrorists: ’
The Southern California chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations, with a number of left wing ‘peace’ churches (the kind of church Barack Obama goes to), are urging the U.S. to pressure Israel into lifting the blockade against Gaza. Gaza is run by the terrorists in Hamas who then give free reign to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to intentionally kill Israeli civilians.
So let me see if I understand the foreign policy stance of CAIR, peace groups, and the left wing of the Democratic party: military responses to terrorism are bad, mmmkay, because innocents are killed and just causes more terrorism; but they also don’t want economic responses to terrorism (those are bad, too, mmmkay) because it kills innocents and just causes more terrorists.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
The response, of course, will be that there are other options, such as diplomacy. But diplomacy is just another word for talk, and talk is cheap when military or economic responses are off the table.
The farthest left wing will argue that the only solution will be to ‘end occupation’. Which of course begs the question of who’s occupying Gaza? Israel left, yet terrorism increased.
It also rings hallow when it’s not clear what ‘occupation’ means. Who defines ‘occupation’?
The two causes which the left loves to talk about are Palestine, ‘occupied’ by Israel, and Iraq, occupied by the U.S. The common denominator being that the U.S. or one of it’s allies is the culprit.
If we go down the list of ‘occupied’ lands, though, why stop there? Tibet enjoys a certain amount of clout among those against ‘occupation’. So, let’s add that to the list.
But what about Afghanistan? The majority of Pashtun speaking people in Afghanistan and Pakistan claim we are ‘occupying’ Afghanistan, even as many welcome our presence there.
Kashmir? ‘Occupied’ by India. Oh, except for all the Kashmiris who consider themselves Indian. Chechnya: ‘occupied’. Southern Thailand: ‘occupied’ by Buddhists. Southern Philippines: ‘occupied’ by Christians. The list goes on and on, the vast majority of those who claim they are being ‘occupied’ are Muslims.
East Prussia: ‘occupied’. Wait, you’re telling me you’ve never heard of East Prussia? Look it up:
Shortly after the end of the war in May 1945, Germans who had fled in early 1945 tried to return to their homes in East Prussia. However, they were stopped. The remaining German population of East Prussia was almost completely expelled by the Communist regime
Any one lobbying for the ‘right of return’ of East Prussians to what is now Kaliningrad, Russia? No? It’s almost as if the millions of German refugees found themselves a new identity in a German speaking state and then got over it…..
I’m not arguing that Palestinians who left their homes during the conflict didn’t have it rough, but it’s been 60 years, they lost the war, and now it’s time for the international community to make things right. Not by sending them back to homes most ‘Palestinians’ never lived in or by demanding Israel give up lands it won in wars started by Arab countries, but by condemning Arab countries for not assimilating these refugees and making them ‘Lebanese’, ‘Syrian’, or ‘Egyptians’.
(Via avideditorla’s shared items in Google Reader.)
(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)
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