Saturday, April 5, 2008

Abbas’ advisor caught at Allenby crossing with 2,000 smuggled cell phones

Abbas’ advisor caught at Allenby crossing with 2,000 smuggled cell phones: "

Abbas’ advisor caught at Allenby crossing with 2,000 smuggled cell phones: ’

All kinds of things you can do with cell phones — including setting up a bomb to be set off from afar.

Of course, maybe he just wanted to call 2,000 Western officials to beg for more money and aid.

More hijinks from the Palestinian Faction That Sincerely Wants Peace:

‘Abbas’ advisor caught at Allenby crossing with smuggled phones,’ by Ali Waked for Ynet News (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Rawhi Fattuh, the advisor of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, was caught Tuesday at the Allenby crossing in possession of 2,000 smuggled cellular phones.

Ynet has learned that the Palestinian security organizations arrested Fattuh’s driver on suspicion of smuggling the phones in his car. According to them, Fattuh was unaware of the devices’ presence in the vehicle.

Ah, of course. Why, just the other day I got into my car, only to find it filled with 2,000 cell phones. I chuckled to myself, wondering how they got there, and drove off on my merry way. Happens all the time!

(Via Jihad Watch.)


(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)

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