Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rev. Wright’s ‘War on Iraq IQ Test’

Rev. Wright’s ‘War on Iraq IQ Test’: "

Charles of Little Green Footballs has found a disturbing piece of anti Israel propaganda that Obama’s mister created. I think Obama agrees and knows Reverend Wright’s political views. I do not trust Obama as a senator. I think he will destroy our country and give up on Israel as a president.

Rev. Wright’s ‘War on Iraq IQ Test’: ’

LGF reader mcs emailed a link to yet another disturbing rant by Jeremiah Wright, this time in writing: The War on Iraq IQ Test.

After a series of viciously slanted pro-Saddam questions, the Reverend’s IQ test suddenly veers into Israel-hatred straight out of the Muammar Gaddafi playbook:

41. Q: How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by 1992?

A: Over 65

42. Q: How many UN resolutions on Israel did America veto between 1972 and 1990?

A: 30+

43. Q: How much does the U.S. fund Israel a year?

A:$5 billion

44. Q: How many countries are known to have nuclear weapons?

A: 8

45. Q: How many nuclear warheads has Iraq got?

A: 0

46. Q: How many nuclear warheads has US got?

A: over 10,000

47. Q: Which is the only country to use nuclear weapons?

A: the US

48. Q: How many nuclear warheads does Israel have?

A: Over 400

49. Q: Has Israel every allowed UN weapon inspections?

A: No

50. Q: What percentage of the Palestinian territories are controlled by Israeli settlements?

A: 42%

51. Q: Is Israel illegally occupying Palestinian land?

A: Yes

And concluding with this:

52. Q: Which country do you think poses the greatest threat to global peace: Iraq or the U.S.?

A: ????

(Via Little Green Footballs.)


(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)

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