Monday, March 31, 2008

Shoes With “Allah” On Bottom Latest Cause For Global Jihad

Shoes With “Allah” On Bottom Latest Cause For Global Jihad: "

What the jihadis complain about is laughable. I don’t know any other group in any time in history spread so many death threats over commics and shoes.

Shoes With ‘Allah’ On Bottom Latest Cause For Global Jihad: ’


For crying out loud…you know what it is with these people? They are too easily insulted.

These people taint the gene pool, I swear…

ALGIERS, MARCH 10 - Over 170 pairs of sports shoes with the inscription Allah in Arabic were seized by the Algerian police after the reports of many people stunned by this product considered offensive for the Muslims.

The shoes, counterfeit Adidas made in China, have been found in many Algerian markets, in particular in Skikda (east), Algiers and Tizi Ouzou, daily Liberte reports.

A real controversy sparked off on many blogs used mainly by young Algerians. ‘What does it mean? That those who wear these shoes trample on Allah,’ somebody say, while others ask themselves who is behind the making of this product.

Some pairs of jeans with the inscription Allah in Arabic on one pocket are also under accusation.

‘Must we sit on Allah?’. ‘Do we know to what insults of this type to the Muslims lead?,’ Liberte underlines, reminding of the cartoons on the Prophet Muhammad and the anger of the Islamic world.


(Via avideditorla’s shared items in Google Reader.)


(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)

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