Monday, March 31, 2008

The Continued Deterioration of our Universities

The Continued Deterioration of our Universities: "

I heard Karl Rove speak just the other week. He is an amazing speaker. It is too bad free speech is no longer allowed in our Universities. People are shouted out unless they tow the Islamo-Fascsit or commie line.

The Continued Deterioration of our Universities: ’

This is the state of our academia today. If your conservative then you must be shouted down, not allowed to speak, rush the stage or throw pies in your face.

Former top Bush aide Karl Rove didn’t get the friendliest of receptions at the University of Iowa Sunday, CNN affiliate KCRG reports.

Rove, who was paid $40,000 to speak at the University, was confronted with an at-times hostile crowd of 1,000, and was interrupted on several occasions.

At one point during the speech, Rove reportedly lashed out at some of the students, saying, ‘You got a chance to ask your questions later and make your stupid statements, let me make mine.’ (more…)

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