Saturday, March 29, 2008

Israels fifth column calls for Palestinian unity

Israels fifth column calls for Palestinian unity: "

I think it is time to get rid of Israel’s fifth column

Israels fifth column calls for Palestinian unity: ’

Israel’s fifth column - its Arab Knesset members - called for ‘Palestinian’ unity

in the fight against Israel today. They also condemned the ’silence’ of

Arab countries and Fatah’s alleged blaming Hamas for the Gaza ‘crisis.’

The Israeli Arab Higher Monitoring Committee convened for

an emergency meeting Sunday to discuss the escalating violence between

Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza.

The committee decided to

draft a proposal for national unity between Hamas and Fatah in light of

the situation, and plans to hold a mass rally in Umm al-Fahm Tuesday in

protest of the operation in the Strip.

Most of the

Israeli Arab MKs attended the meeting, and stressed the importance of

unity among the Palestinian factions in light of the fighting


is using the rift between the Palestinian factions to continue the

military operations and torpedo the peace process,’ Said Committee head

Shawki Khatib.

‘Only through true Palestinian unity can the Palestinians deal with the Israeli offensive. Our mission, as part of the Palestinian people… is to help our brothers deal with these existential challenges.’


Jamal Zahalka claimed that ‘an offensive on Gaza is an offensive on the

entire Palestinian Authority, with everything that this entails.’ Both

Zahalka and MK Talab el-Sana (United Arab List-Taal) condemned Fatah

officials for saying that Hamas was responsible for the escalation in

the Strip.

El-Sanas party member MK Ibrahim Sarsour criticized

the lack of support for Gazas plight in the Arab world. ‘Israel has

been committing war crimes for 60 years, and the pain caused by the

bloodshed is coupled by the silence of the Arab world.’

Someone please remind me why these people are members of Israel’s legislative body.

Cross-posted to Israel Matzav.

(Via avideditorla’s shared items in Google Reader.)


(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)

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