Israel will decimate all the Palestinians unless they cease and desist from launching rockets into Israel. Israel has every right, and I say they should go all out against these thugs in Gaza. You seem to be a bleeding-heart loser who doesnt understand what is at stake here. These are not poor-palestinians, these are people who hide behind babies and launch rockets from schools. I would recommend all those in Gaza to distance themselves from anyone they know who makes bombs, suicide belts, has rockets in their basement, or in their schools. Israel will continue to destroy all those resources and any human being who gets in the way of destruction of the missiles and rockets which these scum are launching 100s of into Israel each day. I pray that the innocent are spared, but the guilty are destroyed to the ends of the universe.
Update: I should also include this great jewel thanks Dorian Grey.
While in college I studied the Koran with several Muslim Arabs and Persians. It isn’t just Iranians for whom the concept of MAD has no value. It is all Middle Eastern Muslims. They all are profoundly indoctrinated into the Islamic jihad concept, which has two very important aspects.
The first aspect is that Islam teaches that Allah will weigh each persons deeds on a scale. Their good deeds on one side their bad deeds on the other. While Islam denies the Christian concept of original sin, it readily acknowledges that it is much easier to live a life of bad deeds than to live one of good.The Islamic concept of Jihad is the Muslims loophole or get out of hell free card as it were. To die in an act of service to Allah, or Jihad is an instant pass to paradise. For a Muslim, it need not be an individual act to satisfy Allah. Were Muslims in the Middle East who physically were not involved in Jihad to die as a result of a state sponsored conflict which resulted in a nuclear detestation being unleashed upon the Middle East, anyone who died as a result would be considered by Allah to have died performing Jihad, or service towards Allah. Furthermore there is another very troubling aspect to this conundrum, since Islam has no single central authority, no government or governing body the use of nuclear weapons against any single Islamic State virtually ensures that all Muslims will retaliate and escalate the violence, yet have no method of bringing the escalation to a halt.No Islamic State has ever shown the ability or desire to restrain the escalation of violence once any infidel nation has engaged them in military a conflict. The closest any has ever come might perhaps be modern Iraq. And we can all see how that is turning out. The US is clearly decimating the Islamic warriors/terrorists, yet even so they continue to fight regardless of the fact that they have and never have have any hope of winning. This suicidal fanatical death glorifying idealism is not unique to Iran, but permeates all of Islam. A nuclear conflict with Iran, regardless of who starts it or why is a guaranteed bloodbath of apocalyptic proportions from which Islam will not and cannot survive.
(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)
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