Hamas Finally Confesses: Iran Trains Us: "
Can we bomb Iran now?
Hamas Finally Confesses: Iran Trains Us : ‘

Here’s a bit from the Times Online article:
A senior commander interviewed by The Sunday Times said 300 of the group’s ‘best brains’ had been secretly sent to Tehran.
Half are still being trained by Revolutionary Guards. They are learning how to make explosives from everyday items and produce deadlier rockets.
‘Iran is our mother,’ the commander said. ‘She gives us information, military supplies and financial support.’
So there you have it. The admission. So where I’d like to take this is how the world supports the palestinians. I have said over and over again here at Holger Awakens that the world is idiotic in its financial support of the palis. Let’s just look at the lunacy here.
1. The World is sanctioning Iran for Iran’s efforts to develop a nuclear weapons arsenal.
2. The World is giving the palis BILLIONS of financial aid - which in turn ends up in the hands of Hamas who in turn is doing the bidding of Iran.
Got that? We are punishing AND rewarding Iran at the same time. This is like spanking a child while you spoon chocolate pudding into his mouth.
Many have asked why we haven’t attacked Iran. I would like to list the reasons WHY we should:
1. Iran is jeopardizing world security by developing nuclear weapons.
2. Iran has threatened the destruction of another country and its people - Israel
3. Iran is the state sponsor of terrorism in Lebanon through its Hezbollah arm.
4. Iran is the state sponsor of terrorism in Gaza through its Hamas arm.
5. Iran has provided weapons that have killed American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
6. Iran is training Iraqi insurgents to kill American troops.
7. Iran leads the world in violations of human rights.
Anyone with me?
Palestinian group Hamas admits that its fighters are trained in Iran
The Palestinian group Hamas, blamed for last week’s massacre of eight students at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem, has revealed that hundreds of its fighters have been trained in Iran.
Seven separate groups of Hamas militants have spent up to six months in Tehran since the training began in 2005.
The scale of Iran’s operation exceeds Israeli intelligence suspicions that Hamas had dispatched ‘tens’ of fighters to Tehran. Yuval Diskin, the head of Shin Bet, the Israeli internal security service, said last week: ‘I see this as the strategic danger, more than any weapons smuggled into Gaza.’
Israeli officials believe that Iran is waging a ‘proxy war’ against their country on two fronts � through Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Hamas commander said Iranian-trained instructors had also taught more than 700 fighters at a base in Syria.
(Via avideditorla’s shared items in Google Reader.)
(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)
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