The Holger Diaries: The Day Al Qaeda Got Barack Obama Elected President: "
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The Holger Diaries: The Day Al Qaeda Got Barack Obama Elected President: ‘

Today, Wednesday, March 12, 2008 is the day that Al Qaeda in Iraq may well have gotten Barack Obama elected to President of the U.S.A. Let’s look at the headline and the first section of this story in the Charleston Daily Mail:
After rise in violence, fears in Baghdad that bloodshed returning to old level
Associated Press WriterBAGHDAD (AP) — In just a week, Baghdad has seen a spate of suicide bombings that have killed scores of Iraqis and five U.S. soldiers — among 12 Americans who have fallen in the line of duty during the past three days in Iraq.
Suddenly, the city is feeling the unease of the period before violence eased partly as a result of the U.S. troop buildup, which is now coming to a close.
‘Violence has increased dramatically’ over the past few days, said Haitham Ismael, a 33-year-old father of three living in western Baghdad.
After five years of war, Iraqis interviewed said they were not necessarily changing their daily routines. But all said the growing bloodshed was present in their minds, clouding what had until recently been a more hopeful time.
Some fear that the rampant violence of one year ago may be coming back, especially as the 30,000 soldiers sent to Baghdad last summer to help end a sectarian war begin returning home.
The key goal of the U.S. ’surge’ was to secure the capital, giving Iraq’s politicians breathing room to cut deals that would bring minority Sunni Arabs into the government and thereby weaken or end the insurgency.
As I mentioned, timing is everything. The Democrats took control of the House and Senate riding on their wave of surrender - promising the end of the Iraq War. Soon after, the Surge was unveiled and began to turn the tide…America marvelled at how the violence subsided, how the Americans were winning big time in Iraq. And Congress’ popularity and approval ratings fell to all time lows.
Now, with less than seven months until the American Presidential election, al Qaeda has battled back with some serious shock and awe bombings in Baghdad and northern Iraq and heavy losses for American troops in the past few days. Al Qaeda’s plan is clear - they HAVE to create a wave of doubt, of unease in America in order to get Obama elected and get the Americans out of Iraq.
At the same time, consider the fact that it took the MSM in America over six months to even begrudgingly acknowledge the success of the Surge. It has taken them TWO DAYS begin the kind of reporting that Bradley Brooks has done here from the AP.
Al Qaeda’s mission is to sway our election - their only hope is to inflict huge damage over the next few months. They are off to a good start and with their ally in this, the American news media, their plans just might succeed.
By the way folks, the article captioned above was NOT from the New York Times or the Washington Post. It is from the Charleston Daily Mail - yes, Charleston, South Carolina - the state bordering Camp Lejeune.
I never thought I would see the day that a voter in the United States of America would reward the efforts of the scum that struck our Twin Towers and Pentagon. I never imagined that a day would come that the blood of our 3000 innocents would be desecrated by the vote of their brothers and sisters. I never thought I would see the day that the American people would be used as tools for terrorists.
If we don’t see this new strategy and ’surge’ of al Qaeda put down immediately, we will see them win the ultimate struggle and you and me will see for the first time, how a foreign enemy simply rigged our elections. Did Al Qaeda get Obama elected President today? We won’t know, I suppose for a few more months, but is that the kind of ‘endorsement’ you would want if you were running for the office?
(Via Holger Awakens.)
(Via The Avid Editor's Insights.)
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